Meet Ethan the Bicho
My wife and I adopted Ethan nearly two years ago from the Humane Society. They claimed he was poodle (growing up with poodles I knew different but got him anyway). We've since determined he is at least mostly Bichon. Anyway, Ethan is a bundle of energy when he is outside & loves to play with other dogs...especially big ones! When Ethan isn't playing outside, hes begging us to toss his balls inside of the house! He sleeps like a log and is often the last one to get up in the house. Ethan hardly ever barks...he is a respectful young man (thought he compensates for that with his grunts, snorts, whining & whimpering). He is the biggest sweetheart & we're so thankful we were lucky to get him from the humane society...he is our wonderful little "man."
- Age 2 & 1/2
- Nicknames Ethanator, White Lightening, BooBoo & Bubba
- Dislikes loud driers, being disturbed before 8am, not getting the attention he thinks he deserves
- Foods salmon, greenie treats, siberian chew toys
- Pastimes sleeping, playing catch, flying through the back yard
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆