Drzl (Drizzle)


Meet Drzl (Drizzle)

This is our beloved dog Drzl, pronounced Drizzle. She is a five year old brindle Lurcher. Lurchers were originally bred in Ireland, and are a bit "different" from other dogs. "Rooing" is how they "talk" to you. It is very humourous to listen to them roo, which is a somewhat inquisitive gutteral sound they make as they look directly into your eyes. They appear to be asking a question. Lurchers are one half greyhound and one half any other sighthound. In Drzl's case, she is half greyhound and half Rhodesian Ridgeback. She runs with the lightening speed of a Greyhound and is extremely friendly, loving, and loyal, however, she is also an excellent watchdog, always barking to let us know when someone is coming onto our property in the woods of Maine. She does love all people and other dogs, once properly introduced. At the time I took this photograph, I was hiking back in our woods when I noticed Drzl was missing. As I looked around a grassy area, I found her lying there among the dandelions. Her head was up and she was enjoying the seabreeze which was moving in to shore. I realized then just what a beautiful dog Drzl has grown into. We drove from Maine to New York near West Point to adopt her, and what a skinny, scraggly little pup she was then. I believe this photo shows what love, discipline, exercise, and proper nutrition can do for all our beloved pets. We think she is gorgeous. She could not be given any more love than what we pour out upon this fantastic dog.

Facts About Me
  • Age 5 years
  • Nicknames Drz, Dewy
  • Dislikes rainy days
  • Foods lamb, chicken
  • Pastimes Watching birds and chipmunks
Dogs Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
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