Meet daisy mae
Daisy Mae was born and raised in Ravenna Ohio. We purchased Daisy Mae from a chihuahua breeder. She was the runt of the litter and was so small we had to wait 2 months to bring her home. She enjoys wearing clothes so much that she will slip her own head into outfits. She enjoys shopping with her mom and loves being carried in her bag. Her all time favorite treat is Ol' Roy Grilled Chicken Strips.She enjoys playing with many toys and her favorite one by far is a little yellow cloth ducky. In her spare time she enjoys bathing in the sun, and playing with any dog of various shapes and sizes. The person that makes Daisy Mae most cheerful is her grandmother. Daisy Mae brings a smile to everyone in her life and makes our family complete.
- Age year old
- Nicknames pooper, crazy daisy
- Dislikes the cold
- Foods anything thats a treat
- Pastimes sleeping on her mothers chest
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆