Meet Chloe
Chloe is a darling little one year old Shih Tzu. She is very affectionate and just loves everybody she meets. She is also very smart. She learned over 13 commands before her first birthday. She graduated from her Beginner Obedience training class recently and is now in Advanced Beginners and is working towards getting her AKC Canine Good Citizen certification. She is such a sweetheart that I know she will make a wonderful Therapy Dog, so that is also a goal of ours. Chloe loves her stuffed toys very much, but she also loves running around in the backyard and chasing her ball. As you can see from this photo, she doesn't mind being dressed up in cute little dresses that Mommy has a friend make for her, and she loves wearing all her wonderful topknot bows, too. Chloe is also a big kissy bug.
- Age 1
- Nicknames Chloekins, Monkeyface
- Dislikes thunderstorms
- Foods treats, bananas, apples, carrots and green beans
- Pastimes Hanging out watching TV with Mom and playing
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
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- 😻
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