Meet Bullet
Bullet is our Bichon baby. He is 4 years old and spoiled rotten! He loves to ride in the car, dress up, go to the beach and play.... he has his own double bed which he jumps into and turns down the covers on when hes ready to sleep for the night, he even crawls under the covers, pulls them up to his chin and lays his head in the pillow. He watches TV, favorite channel is Animal Planet. He has an air bed in our room which he sleeps on at times, but prefers to lay in bed with us and stretch out between us during most nights. Our son says he gets treated better then he does.... ha, ha, ha....Bullet even has his own toy box that I'm sure most children would love to have, he continually spreads his toys from one end of the house to another. But his is our baby, and he deserves all he gets!!!
- Age 4 years
- Nicknames Boobie
- Dislikes any dog food other the Pedigree Puppy chow
- Foods Apples
- Pastimes playing
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆