Meet Bruno
Bruno is a 13 year old (yes 13 years old!! You wouldn't know it to see him, he still thinks and acts like a puppy). I have owned him for 12 years and got him from a rescue centre where he was left due to his owner dying and him having no home to go to. Bruno is a Bearded Collie X and loves chasing his tennis ball on walks as well as getting muddy and jumping in the lake for a swim. Bruno is a very sweet dog but does have a crazy side to him, shadows for example send him crazy but this is a common trait of Bearded Collies I have heard, lights and shadows they tend to bark at. Bruno has taken part in a dog agility display team as well as the odd fun dog show as he loves attention and being the centre of attention and will do absolutely ANYTHING for a piece of cheese!
- Age 13
- Nicknames Bruno
- Dislikes Cats, shadows, fireworks, postmen
- Foods Cheese, chicken, ham, steak, anything meaty
- Pastimes Walking, eating, getting belly rubs, playing and dog shows
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆