Meet Blue
Blue is a very well-socialized cross breed and is seen here relaxing on the rocks and basking in the sun on the headland, watersedge, at Crystal Cove Beach Resort. He is 5 years old and spends his time hunting and fishing out in the backwoods with my son. The wolf cross, very often mailigned, has been a godsend for our family. The dog's instincts allow my son to have the very best protection if he is alone in the wilderness. And I can go to places which are remote and extremely beautiful on my days off.. almost alone, but with Blue, to truly appreciate my solitude. He is also a companion of my granddaughter, Fisher Lea 1 year, and has adopted her into his pack with great affection. Our experience with this cross breed is, that if the dog is truly embraced as a member of the family, yet given clear direction in pack order, the intelligence of the animal makes him a truly delightful and useful pet.
- Age 5
- Nicknames Blue
- Dislikes ear spray
- Foods Venison & steak
- Pastimes Snuggling on the couch & going to the Lake for freedom time
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆