Meet Blackbean
Blackbean is the best dog you will ever meet, he is full of soooo much heart. One day a friend came into our store and asked us to please take him as this litter was considered not pure they had to go, he comes from a purebread pitbull breed whose mom got mixed up with an unknown street dog and thats how we gained this little guy when he was only weeks old. His name comes from a martial arts film. He is super funny and very needy and so full of love. He loves to be in the car, that is where he really wants to live. He has this great sense of love of life and freedom and is a risk seeker as long as you are close by, he is crazy for balloons we do not know why, he will follow a balloon to the ends of the earth.
- Age about 6
- Dislikes being alone
- Foods peanut butter, giant turkey legs
- Pastimes looking at us
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆