Meet Bella
Bella once was a shelter dog that save Mankind and other animals big and small ... She looked in her puppy soul and got the well to not think of her self but toward others. She is a little puppy with big dream to share what she calls Puppy Power all over the world . She believes that all animals in the world need love and forever homes. She has a big heart and wants to move mountains She believe that love understanding and compassion can save all animals and even Mankind. She wears her cape proud with Puppy Power on and even has a magic pillow that she feel that when the time is needed it will give her even more power to share love understanding and compassion on the world! She is a little soul with the wisdom to change the world if the world will open there hearts to listen to her little Bark as she Rally for Puppy Power!
- Age age 2
- Nicknames Bella Bop
- Dislikes The abuse of animals and people!
- Foods Chicken and Poppy corn!
- Pastimes Sharing her wisdom to the world on her Facebook Page The diary of Bella
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
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