Meet Bella
I was adopted 8 years ago in a tiny no-kill shelter in central Massachusetts. I was the only girl in a litter of 6, abandoned in the woods. When my family brought me home I was quite the terror! I very muched feared the garbage truck and hated going out in the rain- I so loved to chew things and steal socks out of my girl's room. Now I've calmed down quite a bit! I love going on my daily walkies with Cailin, and she's taught me tons of cool tricks, which I love to do because I get pieces of dog bacon and lovins in return! Some crowd pleasers include saying "I Love You", giving high fives, and doing "Dolly Face" when I rest my head on your lap and look up with my pretty brown eyes. Many people are intimidated by me at first because I'm such a big girl, but I really love people and wouldn't hurt a fly! I have a big bark but no bite :)
- Age 8
- Nicknames Bella Bee, Wasm, Mrs. Walkies, Wass, Mease
- Dislikes the vaccuum, squirrels, the hair dryer, lettuce, bath time
- Foods bacon, carrots, jalapenos (I dont get too many of those!), beef, cheese
- Pastimes going for walks, doing tricks, cuddling with my people,going for car rides
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
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