Meet Angel
I found this beautiful Pit abandoned at one of the local state park. She was abused and it looked like she was used for mating and when her owners were done with her, they threw her out like trash. Angel needed a lot of love and patients. She did not have a mean bone in her body (I guess that is why she was abandoned). So much for "all Pits are bad" wrap. It took my husband two weeks just to get her to come to him! We did not give up on this sweet dog. She is now healthy, bouncy and wonderful dog. That goes to show how amazing these dogs are, even if they are horribly abused, they are able to come back from induring abusive. Please adopt from shelter/rescue, so many amazing animals like Angel await your love.
- Age 2
- Nicknames Angel Blue
- Dislikes she is afraid of the unknown, because she was abused
- Foods Chicken
- Pastimes chasing an empty coke bottle and taking the lid off
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆