Meet Allie and Sadie
Allie is a sato (street dog from Puerto Rico) rescued about 2 years ago. She was full of fear and trembling when we got her. She was afraid of humans, dogs and everything unfamiliar. After 2 years of patience, training and life with her big sister, Trixie who passed away February 2012, Allie is now the comforting big sister to her new little sister, Sadie rescued from a high kill pound in Kentucky. Allie also was just in the Largo, Florida news where she was photographed doing a high jump in agility with the American Idogs team. Allie is also the Author of her Own Book called ALLIE'S TAIL, sold on ALLIE'S GOAL is to RAISE AWARENESS and to Sell enough books to be able to DONATE A MINIMUM OF 50% OF THE PROCEEDS TO HELP GIVE A 2ND CHANCE FOR OTHER RESCUES.
- Age 2
- Nicknames Lil-Bub-Bubs, Allie-Gator, Pup-Pup
- Dislikes Rudeness, Poor Etiquette, All Abuse
- Foods Lifes Abundance, green beans, carrots, chicken
- Pastimes Cuddling, napping, sitting on the dock sniffing the breeze, keep away game, search game
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
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