Meet Abu and Elphie
Our dog Elphie (right) was a little fireball from the start. She was the runt of her litter, but would sit in the food bowl declaring herself the Alpha. When we first brought her home she was 2 pounds and would be mistaken for a beanie baby if we brought her anywhere. She is deathly afraid of small children and although she never bites, she makes it clear that she does not want more than one person kissing her at a time. We often joke that she's lucky she's cute, but in truth she does have her sweet moments where she rubs up on you like a cat asking for attention... or a back massage. Abu on the other hand could not be more opposite in personality. He takes his time and is so calm that you'd swear he's on drugs. He's our living teddy bear and will let anyone hold and cuddle him at anytime. We also discovered one day that he loves to sing along with others. This pair is the "Pinky and the Brain" of dog couples. They get along great and without them our family would not be complete.
- Age 2 & 5
- Nicknames Elphie (Pap)- demon child, Abu- heaven
- Dislikes getting scolded, baths
- Foods kibble and bits, popcorn, watermelon
- Pastimes going to the park, or waking along the trail behind our house
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆