Meet Abu
Abu is a very quirky dog. He loves to sing, and will literally try to match your voice if you start belting it. We have numerous toys for both of our dogs to choose from, but he only seems to want to play with the giant rubber pink lipstick. Anyone can hold him because he is so calm and slow moving that he almost seems animatronic at times. On the other hand though, sometimes he has these random spastic moments where he rolls around on the floor, jumps up, and starts chasing his tail. He's also very photogenic and has such a wide variety of cute expressions that it was so hard to choose just one to share. Abu is the newest member of our family and we've had a blast getting to know him for the superstar that he is.
- Age 2
- Nicknames Abu
- Dislikes baths
- Foods kibble and bits, popcorn
- Pastimes spending time snuggling with his mommy and daddy
- So cute!
- How adorable!
- Love!
- 🐱
- 😻
- 🏆