On our way to Bella Bella

Photographer Jeremiah Armstrong, Josey Kitson and Michelle Cliffe of WSPA and Modern Dogโ€™s Connie Wilson get ready to board a Pacific Coastal Airlines plane to Bella Bella for the Big Heart/WSPA animal clinic.

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Neighbourhood Pooch

Dogs are free to roam around in this northern community, but the locals know all the dogs names and to whom they belong.

Bird on a Wire

Wildlife abounds in Bella Bella. Here a bald eagle keeps watch from his lofty perch.

Smiling Elephant Seal

My lucky day! Unbelievably, I had a close-up encounter with an Elephant seal. Up to that point, I had only seen pictures of them in books or on television. This guy seemed really interested in us and appears to be smiling!

Basking in the Rays

This handsome fellow is hanging out close to the restaurant and store (did I mention heโ€™s smart too?). As most of the Bella Bella dogs live outside year-round, their coats are super-thick.

One Cranky Customer

One of the vet techs and a local volunteer try to get medication down a catโ€™s throat.

A Pier-fect Day

Children play with their dog at the Bella Bella marina.

Puppy Love

This dog gets loved up and reassured while awaiting his turn with the animal clinicโ€™s vet. The clinic was set up in the schoolโ€™s science lab.

Spectacular Sunrise

A spectacular morning sunrise marks the beginning of a busy day for the animal clinicโ€™s volunteers.

Shave and a Haircut

Vet techs shave off mats that can become uncomfortable and pinch a dog if left untreated.

Clinic Bound

This striking trio came for day three of the clinic that was held on Denny Island, a short boat-ride from Bella Bella.