Ask a Trainer
"My dog used to be quiet and good as
gold…" (more)"He barks a lot- even right at me-but he never seems
angry…" (more)"She now barks at anyone walking into
the office (once me, even!)…" (more)"Twenty minutes after I step foot out the door, they start barking…" (more)
"I’m thinking of using those absorptive indoor pee mats…" (more)
Jealous dog
"Every time my new boyfriend and I
kiss, my dog wants to take part in the activity…" (more)
"I think my dog, Dylan, is jealous of my boyfriend. Can dogs be jealous?…" (more)
"My normally friendly, peaceful dog goes into snarling attack mode…" (more)
Is my dog an alcoholic?
"Top Jaw, tries to knock beer out of guests’ hands and then drink it…" (more)