Rain or Shine: I Walk the Dog
I have an eight-year-old bichon named Mr. Deeds. He is a constant source for joy and entertainment. He loves to play fetch with tennis balls and small stuffed squeaky toys. He shows his enthusiasm for guests but dancing and twirling. He also twirls with the same excitement when the words “outside, “walk,” “potty” and “go for a ride” are spoken. He is quick to verbalize when he does not want to be moved or touched with little growls that sometimes sound like he is trying to say the word “deny.” He lets me know when someone is at the door and it very quick to tell me how much he dislikes skateboarders and garbage trucks.
He is not a fan of the bath or any part of the grooming process but tolerates it because I think he secretly loves showing off after he is clean and fluffy. Thank God for that because my little guy attracts dirt like a swifter mop. Which brings me to the point of this blog post.
If your dog has long fluffy hair that picks up everything you probably at some point have tried to put them in dog shoes, especially when it is raining. I have tried several with great amusement. Do a YouTube search for “dogs wearing shoes” for a good laugh. I finally settled on plain natural rubber slip-ons that are more of a rubber sock than shoe. I like the rubber slip-ons because, he calmly lets me put them on and he can’t kick them off. It is somewhat of production to prepare for walks in the rain or snow when you add covering four paws with rubber socks to the process because when the slip-ons are finally on him, he is anxiously ready to go. My process to get ready must be quick and easy. For this reason, I love Sloggers waterproof shoes and boots. They are easy to slip on, take off and clean. They are also surprisingly very comfortable. I really don’t like getting out in the rain but my little guy could care less; his positive attitude along with the fun colorful prints on my Sloggers boots make our rain walks almost as good as our sunny day walks.
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