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Affordable Pet Testing

Non-Invasive Allergy-Intolerance Test for Pets

Help your pup get some relief with the 5Strands Affordable Pet Test! This non-invasive allergy and intolerance test uses the latest diagnostic technology to locate the source of your dog’s Food & Environmental Intolerance symptoms.

By testing a few strands of your dog’s fur, this test can help you figure out what is making your dog experience discomfort like, constant scratching, watery eyes, hot spots, digestion, etc. and can provide you with answers as to the degree of severity in your dog’s body.

Finding the source of intolerance symptoms will then allow you to make diet, environmental and lifestyle changes to reduce unpleasant symptoms.

  • 5Strands Affordable Testing provides results via email within 7-10 days after receiving your pet’s sample

  • Your pet will be tested on over 350 Food and Environmental items
