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Dog Poo Sculpture Takes Flight

Itโ€™s a Bird, Itโ€™s a Plane, It's... Art?

By: Jessica Nosek

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American artist Paul McCarthyโ€™s exhibition of a giant, inflatable pile of dog poo at a Swiss museum raised quite a stink in summer. The outdoor piece, titled โ€œComplex Shit,โ€ turned out to be just that when it became airborne and floated more than 200 meters, taking down a power line and breaking the window of a greenhouse before eventually coming to rest in the garden of a childrenโ€™s home. The piece was equipped with a safety feature that should have deflated the work during a storm but apparently the mechanism had crapped out. The poo-art was scooped up and returned to the museum garden where it remained on display until October. The greenhouse it damaged, incidently, is now referred to as โ€œthe brownhouse.โ€


Last Updated:

By: Jessica Nosek
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