D.I.Y. Dog Treats
Don't overlook these simple, healthy, and reasonably priced treats you can easily make from ingredients picked up at the grocery store!
Sweet Potatoes are a great source of dietary fibre and contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, beta carotene, and manganese. Try slicing and dehydrating them to make a healthy, chewy, single-ingredient treat for your dog!
Popcorn that has been air popped with no butter or salt makes a terrific low calorie treat for your dog. (No hot air popper? You can pop it in a paper bag in the microwave, no oil needed!) Popcorn contains potassium as well as the bone-building minerals phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium. So snuggle up and share that popcorn (try adding a sprinkling of nutritional yeast!) with your furry friend next time you watch a movie.
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