Expert Advice

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Dog Culture Expert Advice

Q: I’ve been told that its crucial to socialize my puppy, Sal, at an early ag... More

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Expert Advice

What would you think if that child followed you constantly from room to room, unwilling to be separated from you, even momentarily? Naturally, you’d be concerned.

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Behaviour Expert Advice Training

The bark stops here! How to stop your dog from barking.

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Dog Culture Expert Advice Training

Rest periods in snug quarters are a natural part of caring for our dogs’ needs. But… dogs have many other needs that crates interfere with. Dogs are social animals; they require interaction with other dogs or people. They also need exercise, mental stimulation, and appropriate “potty” opportunities. So, while some time spent in a crate is usually a positive element of dog rearing, too much time spent in a crate can have disastrous consequences.

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