Hundreds of Events and Thousands of Lives Saved Mark 20th Annual World Spay Day

International campaign promotes spay/neuter to help end euthanasia of companion animals

(Feb. 25, 2014)—More than 600 event organizers around the world are hosting hundreds of events and spaying or neutering thousands of animals today and throughout the month of February, raising awareness of how lowering birth rates reduces the number of animals who will face euthanasia in shelters or death on the streets. 

This 20th World Spay Day provides a unique opportunity for veterinary professionals, animal welfare organizations, animal control agencies and everyone who cares about animals to join together toward the common goal of ending animal suffering and the putting down of adoptable pets.

Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, said: “Today, thanks to determined efforts to help companion animals and campaigns like World Spay Day, the euthanasia of healthy dogs and cats continues to decline. However, an estimated 2.7 million healthy, adoptable cats, dogs, kittens and puppies are still killed in U.S. shelters each year—that’s one every 10 seconds. This is a preventable tragedy, and more spaying and neutering can get us closer to our goal of ending this needless loss of life.”

In some countries, roaming unneutered animals contribute to the problem of street animal overpopulation, as witnessed in Sochi, Russia, with the Winter Olympics. Local authorities and individuals often electrocute, shoot, poison or use other brutal methods to kill these animals—a method that’s not only inhumane but ineffective as a long-term solution. Many participating World Spay Day organizations, including Humane Society International, have implemented spay and neuter programs all over the world to humanely address the overpopulation of street dogs and cats.

Spay/neuter is the only proven way to ensure that our pets, community cats and street animals will not add to the millions of homeless animals.

Facts about Spaying and Neutering:
• 50 percent of litters aren't planned. Puppies and kittens can safely and easily be fixed by four months to prevent accidental litters.
• Puppies and kittens as young as two months old or weighing at least two pounds can be spayed or neutered.
• Spay/neuter reduces breeding-related health risks such as reproductive cancer. It can add years to your pet’s life, meaning lots of extra toy tossing, treat sharing, and couch cuddling in your future.
• Spay/neuter ends females’ heat cycles (no more unwanted male suitors). It reduces roaming and pets’ chances of being hit by cars. Neutering resolves most territorial urine marking issues and means no more humping everything in sight.
• Spaying and neutering do not hurt, as veterinarians use anesthesia during the procedures and provide pain medications afterward.

For the first time ever this year, some participants are using Zeuterin™, an FDA-approved, nonsurgical, injectable sterilant for male dogs 3-10 months old, that provides another important tool in the effort to humanely control dog and cat populations.

This year, the popular Mutts comic strip will run a commemorative World Spay Day strip, a sample is included below:

(c) 2014 Patrick McDonnell
World Spay Day 2014 is presented by The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International, in partnership with the Doris Day Animal Foundation, the Alliance for Contraception in Cats & Dogs, Ark Charities, the ASPCA®, Best Friends Animal Society, the House Rabbit Society, Humane Alliance, the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, Petfinder Foundation  and PetSmart Charities®. World Spay Day 2014 is sponsored by Abaxis.

Events in honor of the 20th annual World Spay Day take place throughout February, which is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month. World Spay Day has been recognized in all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, and nearly 50 countries. Find World Spay Day events near you, sponsor a spay/neuter surgery, and get resources for affordable spay/neuter services at View the World Spay Day infographic here.