I really like the lightweight
and waterproof polyester shopping bags from Envirosax. They roll up into a
small tube and a snap closure keeps them that way until you’re ready to use
them. They come 5 bags to a pouch and the pouch isn’t much bigger than the size
of a small cosmetic bag, making it convenient to toss into your handbag so you’ll
always have carry-bags ready when you need them. What’s even better though
is that during the month of November Envirosax will donate $1 from the sale of
every pouch to the ASPCA to help Foreclosure Pets.
Foreclosure Pets is the term applied to the rising number of animals left
behind to fend for themselves in empty foreclosed homes. When found, these pets
are brought to local animal shelters often in desperate need of medical
attention, but with dwindling donations, the shelters are having a difficult
time covering medical costs, food and shelter. Help yourself while helping
animals in need. For more info on Envirosax or to purchase a pouch, visit www.envirosax.com.