The UN’s World Food Programme is the world’s largest agency working to end hunger around the world. They feed 90 million people every year.

Working alongside the programme’s incredible team is an unexpected member, a rescue dog who has come to be known as Foxtrot the Humanitarian Pup.



Foxtrot was an abandoned puppy who found a new home with the World Food Programme’s (WFP) team in Bangladesh. “He works day-in-and-day-out to help the team provide food security to almost 900,000 Rohingya refugees living in the Cox’s Bazar region,” says Gemma Snowdon. “Every day is a new adventure for Foxtrot as he helps the team with their work in the refugee camps.” That work includes, school feeding, food distributions, nutrition, livelihoods, and engineering projects.



Since his rescue, Foxtrot has helped to shed light on the situation on the ground through his own Instagram channel, @humanitarian_pup.

Follow him for feel-good stories on the tremendous work being done to feed the hungry and a welcome reminder that we all—rescue dogs included—have a role to play and can make the world a better place.