Enter your dog and vote for your favourites. Every week, the dog with the most votes will be featured as Dog of the Week on moderndogmagazine.com AND will have a chance to appear in an upcoming issue of Modern Dog magazine!
Playful loving and loves to sleep all day her little tail moves when she is excited it is so cute she loves people and loves sneezing on peoples face!!
Whitney was a stray who rescued me! She is my first dog and I never knew I needed a dog until I met her! She has brought so much joy to me life. She loves cats and children and pj's. She is the sweetest girl and is incredibly smart. She has completed our family.
Sassy Cassie is a mini goldendoodle with a lot of attitude and even more love. She loves to give kisses then give sass with some nibbles on shoes, earrings or anything else laying around. Most of all she loves to lay on her back in moms arms
She is a long haired mini chihuahua, she was diagnosed with type two diabetes about 6 months ago so she get two shots a day and special foods. But it has not changed her or who she is at all. She loves her mommy and would go everywhere if she could. She loves her pictures to be taken and loves it when we tell her she is gorgeous.
Wolfie is a Pomeranian/Yorkie mix. He is great, smart, cute and a very lovable dog. He is well known around our neighborhood and brings joy everywhere he goes!
Rocket is an old soul but with a big personality. He was found on the street and when we contacted his previous owner they did not want him. He has been a great addition to our family! We love our Rocket Man!
Miss Crumpet is easily everyoneโs best friend- her kind smile and playful heart never fail to brighten our day! She loves to make new friends, play fetch, and would love to know what your favorite cheese is!
Princess is a shelter pup who was returned by former owner and i couldnโt resist to take her home when i saw she was being taken back. She so sweet and lovableโบ๏ธ
Red/white corgi with a very loving heart. He has been with me since he was a puppy. Loves chasing his big ball around the yard. But has slowed down due to his DM.
Australian Cattle Dog/German Shepherd Dog/Siberian Husky
4 Votes
Deckard is a sweet and gentle giant. He is gentle with any child he meets but can definitely throw down when it comes to playing catch. He's a handsome boy and he knows it.
Kota is an easy going guy and the biggest love bug! He is the kissing bandit! He will sneak one on you any chance he gets! He is perfectly content just chilling, but also loves running in the yard with his herding ball, walks, hikes, and really up for any adventure with his family! Thereโs not many people, places or things that he doesnโt like. Heโs one happy boy!
Hugo is a 3 month old 3/4 Bernese mountain dog 1/4 golden retriever puppy! He is growing like a weed. He is very sweet, cuddly and rambunctious! He loves his family and loves making new friends!
Val is an American Pit Terrier unfortunately you canโt choose that category on this application. Maybe Val is the first of her kind to apply. We adopted her at 6 months old. The shelter was overwhelmed and was having a free adult dog day the next day. I never wanted a pit but the volunteer said you want this one! I donโt think I would have gotten through the passing of Mom without the Val Bear cuddles.