Cheese Flavoured Spray

Dogs love cheese and cheese flavored treats so that’s why we came out with our healthy all natural Cheddar Cheese Flavored Spray for dry dog food. This all natural dog food topper is made with human grade edible oils loaded with antioxidants that are great for the skin and coat. Cheese flavor spray will enhance the flavor and aroma of any dry dog food and it’s packaged in a convenient and easy to use spray bottle. Just apply a few sprays to the kibbles and serve, no messy packages or mixing to bother with.

  • Made in the USA with all natural, human-grade edible oils that are loaded with nutritional benefits for your pet such as Omega 3 and Vitamin E.
  • A great product for the picky pooch!
  • Vegan approved, gluten free, trans-fat free, adds 150 mg of Omega 3 and 10 IU of Vitamin E daily.
  • Will not turn dry dog food mushy or soggy.
  • No Refrigeration required.
  • Cheese flavor spray is made from all natural, 100% human grade food oils: Flax seed oil, Chia seed oil, Olive oil, Canola oil, Soybean oil and natural flavorings.

A delicious dog food topper designed by nature and filled with all the health benefits that nature provides. No artificial preservatives, no additives, no thickeners and no synthetic ingredients of any kind.

Flavored Sprays provide essential fatty acids to help give your dog a shiny coat in addition to a boost of Vitamin E to help maintain healthy skin. Flavored Sprays offer the dog owner one of the few non-fish sources of both Omega 3 and Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Visit us online at and use the following coupon code at check out for 20% off your purchase. COUPON CODE: VIP20