
Dachshund/Boston Terrier

Meet Milo

This is Milo. He'll be 7 April 12th and he's my baby. He's my world! His favorite thing is riding horses and the 4 wheeler! He knows a bunch of tricks and learns new ones quick! He likes all animals except new dogs. He has friends that are: rats, cats, ferrets, chinchillas, chickens, goats, horses, guinea pigs, birds, and anything else he meets! He loves kids

Facts About Me
  • Age 6
  • Nicknames MiMi, Mimo(my niece calls him), Baby, Love, all kinds of names
  • Dislikes yelling, mom goin to work, the cold
  • Foods anything mom will give me!
  • Pastimes sleeping with my best friend(midnight the cat)
Dogs Like Me
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Cora is a beautiful whippet puppy.... More
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
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