

Meet Keikilani

I may not look like it, but I am a Service Dog. I am never off-duty because I am a Medical Alert Dog and provide advanced warning before my mommy has an attack. That said, my friends and I play. I love children. The higher they shriek and the more they poke at me and pull my tail, the happier and more ecstatic I get. Last year, mommy and I went to Mazatlan. Whew - scary. Actually it ended up being great fun. We met lots of fun people. I wish I had those pictures available to submit, but they are on the other laptop. I went everywhere with her because she researched the law for that country and found one that allows me everywhere with her just like here in the States. It was so much fun. The beaches there are like home (Hawaii) and the catamaran's that took us to the off-shore islands were from Hawaii. The family that lives on Deer Island said we could stay with them, if we wanted, but mom is not the camping-out type. The pictures on the catamaran are awesome. Perhaps next time. We had one scary event when this street peddler followed us. It was beginning to get dark and mom got scared. So we started walking faster and she tripped, that was when this pick-up truck with soldiers armed with automatic long rifles stopped and pointed their guns at us. I got on top of mommy and barked ferociously which I thought was a good thing, but the armed gunmen became pretty hostile. I thought, 'if I'm going to die, it will be defending my mommy.' She was trying to explain in her best Spanish (which is quite pathetic) that I was a Service Dog and she has a medical condition. She must have made some sense, because one of the soldiers offered her his hand, despite my barking. So I stopped barking. We got up, weapons were lowered, and they drove us to our hotel. How nice was that? You should have seen the faces of the doormen when the pick-up truck pulled up to the hotel. I wish we could have taken a picture. Mom tried to take a picture of me with the soldiers, but they declined. She only asked once (smiles). Fun in Mazatlan! I think mommy and I will stick to trips closer to home. Too much excitement to go out of the country. Besides, she and I are only getting older. It's easier to relax in a safer environment. That will be best for our golden years. Especially after mommy's brain tumor this year. Pick me. Pick me.

Facts About Me
  • Age 7
  • Nicknames Keiki
  • Dislikes scary sounds
  • Foods white fish & rice
  • Pastimes surfing, boating, running, eating tomatoes off the vines, tossing fallen fruit in the air and nap time.
Dogs Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
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