

Meet Gracie

This is the love of my life and my constant companion, Gracie. She is very loving, passive, plus she loves everybody and every pet she meets. She thinks everyone is her new best friend! I could never ask for a sweeter more loving and kind child as her. She goes with me as often as possible in the car, to do errands and is with me all the time at home, never letting me out of her sight. She means the world to me and I can never imagine my life without her or before her. Enclosed is her baby pic.

Facts About Me
  • Age 13
  • Nicknames Boo Boo Bear
  • Dislikes Hateful people and mean animals.
  • Foods Cheese, cheese and more cheese!
  • Pastimes Napping, eating cheese, looking at pet photos on FB with Mommy, snuggling with Mommy.
Dogs Like Me
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  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
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