Meet Boots, Arizona Humane Society’s First Official Kitten Nanny

Be still our hearts. If this isn't one of the cutest things we have ever seen, we don't know what is! Boots, a 12year old Chow/Golden Retriever mix is the Arizona Humane Society's first ever kitten nanny! This dog with a disposition as sweet as honey socializes kittens to dogs with the goal that they will be better adapted to their new adopted lives and lessen the liklihood that they would be returned due to problems with other animals in their adoptive homes. Not only is this an amazing program, but it has produced some of the cutest photos we have seen in a long time! Way to go Boots! 

Read more about Boots here.

The Good News – One Puppy’s Mission to Spread Joy

We often get disheartened when we see stories of animal abuse or neglect, so we are taking action and celebrating The Good News in this new feature. Too often, stories of good work on behalf of animals fly too far under the radar, and we want to shed light on these amazing animal advocates.

Lentil the French Bulldog puppy is quickly becoming a sought after star and the poster dog for others with facial and cranial differences. Since being born with a cleft palate, Lentil has been travelling the country brining smiles to children's faces and raising awareness for cleft palates, one of the most common birth defects affecting newborns. With his positive attitude he is lighting up rooms and making children feel better about themselves.

"Lentil's the bridge," said 15-year-old Daniel Pfeiffe. "He's shown me that just because I look different doesn't mean I should be excluded and that it's okay to kind of look different. He teaches you not bully people who look different."

Read the whole story from NBC here.

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