Judge and Hope

German Shepherd

Meet Judge and Hope

This little girl(Hope) was rejected by her mom at birth due to her not being able to stand. We brought her into the house and Judge went to work, this isn't his first baby animal that he takes under his wing(Paw). He cleaned her from head to toe and got her stimulated, the vet didn't think she would make the night but with the help from Judge she thrived. He is our hero and loves baby animals of all kinds. When she would cry for her bottle he would let me know, when she needed cleaning after her dinner, that was his job and he did it with pride. He saved her life in the beginning but when she became very ill he couldn't help her, sadly we had to put her out of her misery at only 1 mth old, Judge was there to say goodbye, he knew what was going on. Again he is our Hero and our special foster dad, if dogs could get metals Judge sure would deserve one. He holds a special place in our hearts, at 3 years old he is that greatest step-dad(mom). thank you for your interest Judge's mom Pam

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  • How adorable!
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