
mix breed (believed to be a hound mix).

Meet hunter.

for having a rough life and being a rescue, he has so much love & lots to offer to people who love him & are in his life. he's the biggest baby ever & he loves to go on walks and play and just overall be outside & he's a bottom-less pit when it comes to eating, he LOVES food.especially his cookies! the biggest cuddle monster & lives for attention and the most loyal friend i could possibly have. i am the luckiest person to have such a great dog come into my life, i love him to the moon and back!

Facts About Me
  • Age seven.
  • Nicknames bubb,bubba,baby,babyboy,booboo,and many more.
  • Dislikes the cats and not having the attention and lovin's all on him.
  • Foods EVERYTHING! haha.
  • Pastimes eatting,playing with his baby and ball and snuggling.
Comments (0)
  • So cute!
  • How adorable!
  • Love!
  • 🐱
  • 😻
  • 🏆
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