Here’s Kaya a couple years ago, lounging on my beach towel, enjoying a hot summer seaside day. It was one of the last July long weekend holidays I had the privilege to share with her. Sure miss that crazy dog!


It’s wonderful to have this stat
holiday bringing us a day off to reflect on the great countries we live in and
the freedoms we enjoy here. For many it also marks the official beginning of summer
(which is unfortunately far too short here in the Pacific North West with this
year’s cool wet spring now turning into a cool wet summer… not complaining,
really… well sort of!). I hope you’ll also be able to take in some of the
festivities the holiday commemorates, getting out enjoying and celebrating the
day with your furry best friend, whether it’s watching a parade or ballgame,
cooking up some grub at a backyard barbeque or simply hanging out at the beach.


Please also be aware that not all
dogs like crowds or fireworks. My girl Kaya lived for 16 years and never did
outgrow her fright of either thunderstorms or fireworks. She would become
crazed, panting and wild-eyed, as soon as she heard the first firework’s crack
or saw its flash in the sky. She’d wreak havoc in the house, clawing and chewing at the
basement door if it happened to be closed, trying to get as far away as
possible in order to escape the noise and perceived danger.  If your dog displays similar habits first of all be sure you keep her away
from the commotion. You might also consider investing in a Thundershirt or
Anxiety Wrap  compression-styled garment that the dog wears. It exudes constant gentle pressure thereby helping to relieve stress, making them feel more secure. I also recommend Rescue Remedy which I recently used on my
Wirehaired Dachshund Penny who became upset upon sensing an impending thunder
storm. It worked like a charm… a few drops on her tongue and she soon relaxed.
Don’t forget, too, that if it’s hot out our dogs need to drink more water. I
really like Popware for Pets collapsible travel cup with water bottle holder and carabiner that easily hooks onto your belt loop so it’s easy to bring along. Troff’s refillable
water pouch is also a great invention… fill it up (you can also freeze it if
you like so your dog has fresh cool water longer) and the top pulls open for
easy dispensing/drinking and when empty it can be rolled up. It takes up hardly
any room in your purse or pocket and can be refilled and re-used time and

Have a great holiday everyone!