in memory of


May 05, 2010 - Mar 28, 2015 Missed by Adriana & Triston in Washington State, USA

Jochi was a purebred Maltese from a storied show dog line. At 3 years old his owner threw him from a 3-story balcony in Seoul, South Korea, fracturing most of his spine and causing brain injury. The owner then proceeded to manually break both of Jochi’s hind legs. Left for dead, a passerby rescued Jochi from a trash heap. A rescue group then arranged and funded spinal surgery but Jochi was in critical condition. With nobody willing or able to care for him and faced with the vindictive owner demanding Jochi’s return, the rescue group leader desperately asked Adriana & Triston to give Jochi sanctuary in their home on the local US Army base. The couple took one look at the paralyzed pup and couldn’t say no. They loved him dearly, caring for his extensive injuries and as best they could. Jochi understood love for the first time. By March 2015, Jochi was suffering immensely. Adriana & Triston gave him pain+anxiety meds & fed him fried chicken for a week before euthanizing on Mar 28, 2015.

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