It’s wonderful to have this summer-time stat holiday that gives most a long weekend to relax, spend some time with friends/family or to even get to some of those chores we never seem to have enough time to get done. I hope, though, that you’ll be able to take in some of the festivities this holiday commemorates and to also reflect and give thanks for the amazing opportunities and freedoms we’re provided in these great countries we live in (and so often take for granted!).  So get out and celebrate the day with your furry best friend… whether it’s watching a parade or ballgame, cooking up some grub at a backyard barbeque or simply hanging out at the beach. Have fun, be safe and make sure there’s plenty of food and drink for the both of you to enjoy.

For the first time in sixteen years, I won’t be sharing the weekend’s fun with my Kaya girl (she passed on at the beginning of the year), but I’ll never forgot that hot July weekend we spent at the beach together last year… although her joints were pretty stiff, she still got into that cold Pacific ocean with me to swim (I had to be so careful of her sharp doggie nails as she’d always be dog paddling right towards me), then she beat me out, raced to my towel whereupon she shook herself off, then promptly laid down hogging all the room for herself. Here she is, soaking in the sun.  I sure loved that dog and miss her dearly!!