As mentioned in an earlier blog this month, November is Senior Pet Month and accordingly, I’d like to dedicate it to a senior dog near and dear to my heart, my very own Kaya girl. I can hardly believe she’s going to be fifteen years old next month…  in Kayapeople years she’d be ancient.  In the last six months I’ve really seen a difference in her ability to see, hear and generally get around. Don’t get me wrong, she’s very much with us, still barky, flatulent and perpetually hungry, never tiring of mooching cookies. Nothing’s changed in those respects. I do want to make her comfortable though as her joints get stiffer, making it increasingly difficult for her to climb stairs or even roust herself up out of her bed. In the fall issue I put together some pointers for people like me who are looking for resources or solutions to aid their aging dogs. You can get to that article by clicking here… I hope you find it useful.